I understand that day camp may not be for everyone, and that DogDayz has the right to decline day camp based on a prescreening evaluation. I further understand that DogDayz has the right to remove my pet from a play group if he or she becomes aggressive towards another pet or person.
I am the owner or agent of the pet mentioned on the reverse side of this form, and I am authorized to sign this release form. I give consent to DogDayz (including its agents and employees) to act on my behalf and in my pet’s best interest by obtaining emergency veterinary care at my expense if deemed necessary. I agree to indemnify and hold DogDayz (and its agents and employees) harmless from any liability or claim due to the injury or the death of my pet including but not limited to any and all claims arising from the negligence of any employee of DogDayz. I hereby assume any expense or liability for injuries my pet may inflict on a human being or another pet while staying with or being walked by DogDayz.
*By submitting this form, you agree to receive communication from DogDayz at the phone number and/or email address entered above. Consent is not a condition of any purchase. View our Privacy Policy & Terms of Service for additional details.